Less than three weeks after my previous visit to Marisma de Adventus in Trebujena, today I decided to go back to this interesting spot in the north west of the province of Cadiz, hoping to spot some Cranes. The last time I saw these graceful birds en masse was in La Janda two years earlier.
Right upon arriving, a brave Osprey graced the sky, flying relatively low and offering great photographic opportunities.

Without a doubt one of my favourite species, the Osprey will always be worth being on display in these blog posts. I am still preparing a dream shot of one of them surfacing out of the water after catching a big fish. That's one of my resolutions for 2024.

Around and inside Marisma de Adventus, I observed more or less the same species as during my previous visit, 33 different ones this time. The Shovelers were absent today.

After an hour enjoying the views over the wetlands, a group of large birds appeared in the far distance. That could only have been Cranes, the birds that were the main reason for today's visit! Unfortunately, they were too far away to identify with certainty.

Not fewer than three Red Kites flew over, also joined by a Marsh Harrier and a Kestrel. Cormorants, Redshanks, Coots... all contributed to yet another unforgettable experience.
On the way home, between Trebujena and Sanlucar, several V-formations of Cranes appeared in the blue midday sky! Now I was sure the birds that I saw in the far distance form the hide at Marisma de Adventus had been Cranes as well! Mission accomplished! Well, almost...

The birds seemed to be arriving from all directions, announcing their presence with their loud trumpeting call, high in the air. Hundreds and hundreds of birds were gathering here!

The Cranes had chosen one of the farm lands as a resting place. It was difficult to count their exact number, but I'd say there were at least 1,500 of them. Still far away from the closest road, but clearly visible and fairly easy to capture with a telephoto lens.

Still in awe by this unbelievable and unexpected encounter, I witnessed another creature appearing out of the blue. I mean, literally. This bird was huge, and made a Red Kite that was flying nearby look really small! An eagle maybe?

Another lifer, right before the end of the year, this Black Vulture was without any doubt the highlight of the day, despite the sighting of the enormous flock of Cranes.
An unforgettable birding day for sure, a good warm-up for the upcoming trips this week.
