On this sunny spring day I visited the Tres Amigos salt pans in San Fernando, not so far from the beach. The walk around this labyrinth is supposed to take a bit more than an hour, but when you stop every five steps to listen to the birds you may as well spend three hours here, like I did. Seen from above, it is a labyrinth indeed, but don't worry, you can't get lost. If you want to get around this track in a circular way, you will have to walk on a busy road for about 20 metres, so be careful.
There was not a lot of water in the pans, possibly because the tide was low, so I think the number of birds I saw could have been a bit higher. Nevertheless I managed to spot 21 different species. There were quite a lot of people walking, running or cycling, but the birds present in this site are not bothered because at all times there is enough distance between the paths and the water or the bushes where the birds reside.

I managed to take a photo of a Zitting Cisticola, a bird I had only heard but never seen before.

A very common wader bird in this area is the very elegant Black-winged stilt. It is hard to believe how they manage to stand and even sleep on one of their incredibly long legs.

Another very present wader was the Kentish Plover and their cute little chicks.
