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BIRDING TRIP: Punta del Boquerón route, San Fernando, Spain

We're in the middle of summer which means temperatures can be unbearable during the day in the south of Spain at this time of year. It was essential to set off very early to day, even though my walk was near the coast. I was hoping to see some new species, but initially I was a bit disappointed with the number of birds I saw in this area. If I had a telescope, I'm sure I would have seen more, especially wader birds that were stepping in the mud further inland.

Whimbrel spreading its wings just before landing
Whimbrel spreading its wings just before landing

It is a very pleasant walk which brings you to the furthest point of the Camposoto beach, opposite the Sancti Petri Marina and with a view on the castle on a little island. I had only seen this castle in photographs on the internet and I must say I had imagined it to be more beautiful. Actually it didn't look like a castle at all.


The milky, hazy sky early in the morning
The milky, hazy sky early in the morning

No huge flocks of birds along the way, but I was lucky to run into some very interesting individuals, like Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Whimbrel and Curlew.

Grey Plover
Grey Plover


Little Egret
Little Egret

Easy to follow path

I witnessed a funny encounter between a Ruddy Turnstone and a crab. Well, not so funny for the crab, as the following photographs show …

Ruddy Turnstone observing a crab
I first thought the Turnstone was just being curious …

Ruddy Turnstone attacking a crab
… but it soon started attacking the crab.

Ruddy Turnstone fighting with a crab
The crab was very brave and fought back …

Ruddy Turnstone feeding on a crab
… but lost the battle in the end.

The Turnstone was not the only bird involved in a fight. If you take the time to look well around you, and sometimes high above in the sky, you come to see some amazing scenes. A Tern had snatched a fish right in front of an angry Gull, which led to the Tern being chased in mid-air.

Tern flying with a caught fish

Flying gull

The gull got pretty close …

… but didn't manage to catch the tern or the fish.

I was pleasantly surprised by the number of information boards that were installed along the path to prevent visitors from entering the breeding area of the Kentish Plover.

Kentish Plover information board in the dunes
One of the many information boards for the Kentish Plover

I didn't spot any Kentish Plovers until I reached the Sancti Petri Marina. There I also saw Oystercatchers, Sanderlings and my new species of the day: four Bar-tailed Godwits.


Two Oystercatchers flying low on the coast
Two Oystercatchers flying by

Oystercatcher landing near the shore
Oystercatcher landing near the shore

Male Bar-tailed Godwit
Male Bar-tailed Godwit

Male and female Bar-tailed Godwit
Male and female Bar-tailed Godwit

Sanderling on the beach

Juvenile Yellow Wagtail on a branch
Juvenile Yellow Wagtail

Magpie showing amazingly coloured tailfeathers.
Magpie showing amazingly coloured tailfeathers.

A very interesting place which deserves another visit, but definitely in a different season, because by the time I reached the furthest point of the route, near the castle, it had already become uncomfortably hot.


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